Education is an integral part of our life. at EDWB, we are spreading awareness about education will support development in education system and more opportunities for needy children in accessing quality education.
We support Schools in fundraising to collect finances for various purposes such as improving infrastructural facilities or new uniforms for the school sports teams or band or any other similar activity.
We build effective partnerships through stakeholder involvement and engagement as a top priority to provide meaningful and relevant opportunities for vulnerable children’s education.
The organization aim is to promote:
1)Women empowerment, development and leadership through education opportunities.
2)Development of education facilities to promote learning.
3)Formation of women and youth groups aimed at supporting education initiatives in underserved communities
4)Handling child labor cases on child rights by ensuring that vulnerable girls are back to school.
5)Training workshops on Gender in order to introduce the new concepts such as e-learning and education technology.
Education is one of the most important investments a country can make in its future. … Education is a powerful agent of change, and improves health and livelihoods, contributes to social stability and drives long-term economic growth. We are always there to help needy children.
Education is the first right of any children and Our priority is to ensure that every child is getting it. We are building schools and colleges throughout the World. No matter whatever it is war, natural disaster or disease breakout. We are always counted to ensure they access quality education.
Today, education remains an inaccessible right for millions of children around the world. More than 72 million children of primary education age are not in school and 759 million adults are illiterate and do not have the awareness necessary to improve both their living conditions and those of their children.
Buildings, classrooms, laboratories, and equipment- education infrastructure – are crucial elements of learning environments in schools and universities. There is strong evidence that high-quality infrastructure facilitates better instruction, improves student outcomes, and reduces dropout rates, among other benefits.
The purpose of educational reforms is to transform school structures with the aim of raising the quality of education in a country. Educational reforms deserve a holistic examination of their reasons, objectives, application and results generated, by those within the school systems where they are implemented.
Education is fundamental to development and growth. … Because growth, development, and poverty reduction depend on the knowledge and skills that people acquire, not the number of years that they sit in a classroom, we must transform our call to action from Education for All to Learning for All.
Our Volunteer Teachers are not only good at academics, but are well skilled at treating every child equally with compassion and care.We can’t make it alone. We need your help. Your small help can bring a big change.
EDWB is committed to create a kind, supportive and wonderful Environment for vulnerable children to learn. Our partner schools are well organized and efficient. But what keeps us going are the wonderful kids we get to teach and learn from every day. They are in the right hands.
EDWB has effectively implemented programs relevant to its mandate such as education and advocacy on education matters as well as capacity-building program to support learning in for less fortunate children in Africa, Caribbean and parts of Asia. The organization promotes diversity, rely on diverse opinions, and create free, safe and secure spaces that allow learners from such background access education without discrimination due to social, religious or economical reasons. We focus on building community networks and linkages with local state and non-state agencies
EDWB appreciates the fact that beneficiaries from our target communities are ready to learn.Therefore, we design programs that meet the needs of the target community in order to facilitate acquisition of knowledge, skills and attitudes.
It’s impossible to help people without people helping others. We always need volunteer who love to Volunteering with an NGO can help you build capacity and support long-term goals in the underserved communities of developing countries.